
Coming soon: Weekly Masonic Doubts

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As they embark on their Masonic journey, many members may begin to understand the philosopher Descartes’ famous statement, “I doubt, therefore I am” or, alternatively, “I think, therefore I am.” The idea of doubting became a fundamental element of Western philosophy. Our existence is full of doubts. Only weak people fear admitting it. Masons searching for Truth by Light are not afraid to ask questions and pose existential inquiries. But with so many regulations and misunderstood traditions, Freemasons might need a clear guide to interpret their questions about the fundamentals of the modern Craft. Methodic doubt is a way to search for certainty. And this book will help the reader in that search for knowledge and enlightenment. In fifty-two mini essays, it provides the proverbial “food for thought” for each week in a year: to question, to think, to contemplate, and share doubts. From an original thinker and lecturer on Freemasonry, this provocative compendium must be in the library of every Mason. It is an invitation to engage in an open dialogue with the author and with the fellow brothers in the lodge.
Weekly Masonic Doubts cover
book on coffee table
VOOSA Lectures presented by István

VOOSA = Virtual Order of Sapere Aude: an international Masonic forum. Since 2020.04.15 Sapere Aude is an educational response to COVID lockdowns in the world by individual efforts of its host, David Chichinadze. Sapere Aude lectures aim at exploring Freemasonry in all its dimensions including historic, organizational, national, territorial, cultural, and esoteric by hosting world renowned masonic authors, experienced freemasons and key speakers from various fields.


István Horváth

A Mason on two continents and in different languages, István Horváth started his Masonic journey late: only after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, when Freemasonry became legal in the former Eastern Bloc in Europe. Before moving to Canada where he’s settled now in Hamilton, Ontario, he worked as a journalist, and a few years ago he started to write and present lectures about the Craft in English. The Covid years became more prolific than any other time, so he received invitations from many local and international groups and Masonic bodies to present papers researched and written during this period. He is a member of several Masonic research lodges and societies. Besides his keen interest in the Craft, he also blogs in English and Hungarian about public affairs. This is his first book written and published in English.  Read More ..

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